mina Survey Training Video Available Now!
Since COVID-19 put an immediate halt to our in-house training sessions, we set to work on a plan B. To be able to help and inform our customers even when we couldn’t get in front of them personally. So we have put together this training video!
The video
How it began…
We had been running our monthly in-house mina training sessions on the first Thursday of the month since early 2019. Up until the pandemic struck, they were very popular with our customers. Course attendees looked to get the absolute best out of their Scanprobe drain camera. If you weren’t previously aware of mina, here’s a quick summary; mina Survey has been designed to bring something different to the drainage industry. And at no additional cost too. More still, for the first time ever, we were bringing a mobile app to the table…
But bringing new technology to the market is never going to be a smooth integration, not without providing training & customer support with it. We were looking to bring the drainage inspection industry forward to the modern day, and potentially for some out of their comfort zones. But hopefully with a positive outcome.
When we began developing mina, it was clear that this project needed to be for the industry; to solve issues that they were already experiencing. We had unfortunately seen many occasions through online discussion boards where some customers were paying for a service that they were being dishonestly charged for. For example, companies citing collapsed pipes that were actually mild blockages. Developing a quick and simple way for honest contractors to supply a detailed report was our solution.
Jon Barry, MD & Owner, Scanprobe Techniques
The training sessions…
Under the careful stewardship of our technical genius Alex, we began inviting customers and potential customers to come in for hands-on training sessions. Here they would follow Alex’s direction on their own control boxes and mobile devices, working step-by-step through each of the features. Alex would explain the benefits and at times simply explain why this change would benefit them moving forward.
You’ve got to respect the fact that a lot of these guys have been doing this job for many, many years, and they are undoubtedly experts in their field, and therefore know what works for them. Part of my role in these training sessions was to help them see the time-benefits, and how simple it was to get them. mina is here to make their lives so much easier, and it can!
Alex Rose, Technical Support Manager
Hopefully, whilst we are all limited in where we can travel to, this video will be able to help our customers, and potential customers, to find out more. We’re very proud of mina, and the fact that it has been developed with the help of our customer feedback.
And when we can welcome you back into face-to-face training sessions, we will do so with open arms.